Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dear Paul,

Six months has flown by. It's amazing watching the world unfold before your eyes. You are experiencing and doing so many new things. You roll to get where you need to go, you can pivot on you stomach, sitting in the highchair and eating is no big task now, playing with toys is becoming more fun, and you can really go to town in your bouncy seat. You have been saying words such as mama, lala, uh oh, and on one occasion and one occasion only did you look at your dad, reach out your hand and say "Da". However, because your dad and I were so excited and tried to get you to say again, you simply won't say it.

My prayer life has significantly increased since you have been around. I'm constantly praying for God to keep you safe, to teach me to be a good mother, that you will grow up intelligent, that you will grow up knowing how much your parents love God and therefore may decided to follow him yourself. I love you so very much. I want the best for you. I know that I may not be there to protect you at all times so I ask God to do that for me. I know that sometimes my parenting may fail and I ask God to step in.

The bond I have with you is unlike anything I've ever experienced before. I hope that will never change. You will always be my baby.


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