Monday, October 13, 2008

But if we are the Body
Why aren't His arms reaching
Why aren't His hands healing
Why aren't His words teaching
And if we are the Body
Why aren't His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way
-Casting Crowns

What an interesting weekend! I got a chance this weekend to see why people may love Jesus but don't like the church.

*Disclaimer: if you are reading this it probably isn't about you. Please don't take offense to anything I say.

With the craziness of the weekend and Steve's message on Sunday I'm asking myself the following questions:

How can the church shed this image?

How can we show people that being a Christian is a good thing?

How can we love no matter what?

How can I shed this image?

Do people see Jesus through me?

What is my hearts desire?

Am I filling my life with junk?

Do I want to get well?


Jenn Ruggles said...

Awesome thoughts! I guess there are several of us who have been feeling this way lately. I have just come to realize that there are always going to be those to set a bad image for the whole. The sad part is that I have run into more of those people here lately.
I try so hard to love no matter what. But we are human and sometimes we let that get in our way. I just have to stop and reflect and try to read just my thoughts and actions. It's hard to love the ones who keep hurting you and take jabs every chance they get because they know you are passive and they can get away with it.
So I am trying to even love those who hurt me. I just have remember not to get to close. We can love others and not let them in at the same time. So I am working on that.
Sorry this is a long comment.

I love you!

lauren. said...

" do i want to get well?"

love it. i struggle with this all the time. there is a verse and i can't think where it is exactly but it says...

" in order to change , we must want to change"

it's really powerful stuff when you get to thinking about it

Roogles said...

Great thoughts Sarah! Just remember you aren't alone in this!

Gannon said...


What an awesome thing it is that you care more about other people than yourself... In a place like this sometimes it's hard to here God over all the "static"; but know that where-ever you are in you're "Grace-Walk" with God just know that God is good and that He can meet you where YOU are!!

Thanks for reminding me that,