Monday, December 3, 2007

Sunday's Message & Mondays Ramblings

Some of this post is from Steve's message on Sunday. It was a good message for me. It made me think. Other than that you will find a good mixture of Steve's message and rambling. I'm having one of those days today...the kind where your sometimes the bug and I can only hope to be the windshield soon.

Here are some questions that Steve posed on Sunday:

Q: Is your life built on the rocks or on the sand?
A: I did write an answer and then I erased it. I'm not positive I can answer this question right now. My life is not entirely built on rock...this is a constant struggle.

Q: How do I simply live my life so that others want to follow?
A: I try. I try to love my God, I try to be a nice person, I try to be compassionate, I try to be loving, I try to be caring, I try, I try, I try everyday. Hopefully, people will see that trying is enough... you don't HAVE to be perfect to do this believe in have this Christianity thing down perfect. Just try. Have faith.

These questions were then followed with a quote..."In this life, we cannot do great things; we can only do small things...with great love"-Mother Teresa.
I try to do small things constantly and I try to do this everyday. However, I think maybe if I just do this great thing...I put to much pressure on myself. I think I can hit the Easy button...this one great thing will take care of the rest. Wrong! It won't and it probably won't even feel good. This isn't a rush thing. You can't push fast forward you have to push play. Small things are a life long process...if you do one big thing then you probably aren't doing the small things everyday to love someone daily.

Elemental Faith

*Love one another.
Sometimes this is hard. I love people and I love being around people. But, people sometimes make me feel really down on myself. People have discouraging things to say and people don't appreciate you. I'm a big Words of Affirmation person and this not appreciating thing is really getting to me. I don't want high praise (I don't even deserve it) I just wish people could find more good than bad. And, people probably do find more good than bad we as humans are just not good at giving people compliments. Anyways, there is much more than loving one another than this. Love takes on many different aspects.

*Love your enemies.
This can be hard. What if you truly believe someone has wronged you? What if you think they need to apologize? It's hard to get past it but according to Matthew 5:43-44 it's something I need to strive harder to do. Something I really like that Steve said was that he realized "this will have to come somewhere outside of me." I think that loving our enemies is an extremely hard task and that we just can't do it alone we have to pray about it and rely on God to take care of this for us. This may even mean he wants us to step out of our comfort zone.

* Don't fight back.
This is hard for someone that thinks they have to have the last word.

*Work out your difference.
Another thing Steve said that I liked "I realized I was mad at this guy and that he was renting space in my head for free." lol! I just love that!

*Check your motives.
Sometimes do you every wonder what it was really about in the first place?

Anyways thanks Steve for a great message on Sunday that has entertained my mind enough to write a blog about it!


julie p said...

Sarah: This isn't a rush thing. You can't push fast forward, you have to push play. Small things are a life long process...

Julie: Wow! I love this analogy. I am SO BAD at fast forward sometimes....just get through this, and then that....I NEVER EVER want to wish my life away. I REALLY want to enjoy each minute and hour and day. And try to relish in those small things. Sarah, I love this post.

lauren. said...

thanks for that comment meant alot. and i'm happy to make you think anytime =)

lauren. said...

i feel really stupid...but thanks anyway haha