Tuesday, October 16, 2007

This Thing Called Life

Have you ever called somewhere and just wanted to get through to a real person but instead you press all these buttons and get this automated system?

I feel like I do this in life! Press 1 for English. Some people you talk to act like they have no idea what you are talking about when you try to be "real" and you keep pressing 1 for English but they just don't get it.

Press 2 for Customer Service. Urg! I don't want everyone to know my problems. This is personal. I'll wait for the next number!

Press 3 for...then you get this person telling you "if you just pray harder" or "time heals all wounds" or "Jesus loves you anyways"...hmmm...nice but not what I was looking for right now.

Press 4...I am talking to myself at this point right? This line is no help. This line is making me feel angry. I want to talk to a "REAL PERSON"!

Press # for a directory. What? I don't really know who I want to talk to...ummm...just a "REAL PERSON"!!!!

So then all those extra buttons and you finally get through to a real person to talk to. Someone that tells you it's ok to feel the way you are feeling. It makes me feel a little more satisfied and a little more justified.

However, when I hang up I'm going to call someone else...paging God!

Anyways, that was my scenario of the people you run into in your life. And, really you need to talk over your problems with the people nearest and dearest to you (real people) and you need to talk to the one that always gets you...God!

Yes this post is totally random and I am totally tired!

1 comment:

Jenn Ruggles said...

Wow! I know what you mean.